Deeds Not Words

VDH again, this time wondering how Amnesty International can worry about Saddam Hussein's counsel without having shed any tears for the Iraqis brutalized and killed under his regime. And, fellow bloggers, did you know the EU is coming for us?
The European Union is now pressuring the United States to turn over its exclusive control of the Internet, which it invented and developed, to the United Nations. So far the Americans, so unlike a Saudi Arabia or China, have not blocked users from net access, and freely adjudicate the World Wide Web according to transparent protocols.
That would never be true of the United Nations. If Iran or Zimbabwe were to end up on the Human Rights Commission, then they would be equally qualified to oversee the computers of millions of Americans. The same European elites who nitpick the United States about its sober stewardship of the Internet would be absolutely impotent once a China or Syria began tampering with millions logging on.
And as we all know, if that happens, Microsoft will be only too eager to help --as it helps China censor its bloggers.