I Stand Corrected

I've never gotten around to writing about it, but Mr. Wheat & I have noted, in following the debate over the Judiciary (not just Roberts & Alito, but all the judges), that Dem politicians talk incessantly about Roe, but absolutely no one ever mentions Stenberg, which overturned a Congressional ban on partial-birth abortion. This is significant because, all Dem ranting aside, Alito on the bench does not make for a pro-life SCOTUS. The only abortion issue where Alito's vote could conceivably make a difference is on partial-birth --and none of the Dems bothers to defend that decision (Local Liberty noticed, too).
But now John Kerry says the need to keep Stenberg (well, he says Steinberg --what is it about MA senators and names?) is an important reason to filibuster Alito. You know, not only does the man have a tin ear, but his staff really does not serve him well. Defending partial-birth, which is opposed by 75% of Americans, is a guaranteed Get-Out-Of-The-Presidency-Free card.
Incidentally, go to The Corner and its sister blog, Bench Memos for an utter fisking of Kerry's remarks on other points.