The Long-Awaited Dem Security Agenda

In the pdf file available here , the Dems finally put out a 10-page "security agenda." I know it's bold because their website says so.
  • It's only 5 pages; half of them are Spanish translation.
  • The first two pages are cover pages.
  • Page 3 is the Bush-bashing introduction.
  • The last half-page is energy policy.
  • So it's really a 1 1/2 page plan that says (steady yourselves, this is really bold):

Git Osama & tell them Iraqis to unify themselves. Oh, And hold Bush accountable for all his bad, bad lies.

I'm not kidding, that's really what it says:

Insist that Iraqis make the political compromises necessary to unite their country and defeat the insurgency; promote regional diplomacy; and strongly encourage our allies and other nations to play a constructive role.

Ah, so that's what Bush has been doing wrong. He's not insisting. If I were Ken Mehlman, I'd link to it on the Republican site and make my '06 campaign slogan be: 'Nuff said.

UPDATE: A little later they released a 120pp. document that's a little more detailed. (PDF) So far, the details are not making it better, but I'll keep you posted.