'Cause then we reporters wouldn't have to just make stuff up.
- I'm the last person to carry this story about NBC trying to invent anti-Muslim prejudice.
- Here's Hugh Hewitt catching the Boston Globe inventing something (relatively minor, but still).
- Then there's the 30 Headless Bodies That Weren't (or as Tim Blair put it, "Headless Bodies Found In Factless Rag")
- And air-brushing Mexican flags out of immigration coverage.
- And shamelessly plagiarizing.
- And the Abu Graib victim who wasn't.
- Not to mention the Katrina victim who wasn't.
- And the babies in the fridge who weren't.
- And let's not forget the National Guard papers that weren't.
- To say nothing of the smug assumptions, overreach, failure to ask deep questions, blithe acceptance of the Dem. line and important stories that go uncovered.
Can anyone tell me by what bizarre logic this guy was suspended for saying something in a private email when much worse appears on screen and in print, masquerading as objective reporting, every single day?You know, I take it back. Albino monks are as likely to be true as anything the Many Screeching Monkeys report.