Let The Disincentives Begin

Former U.Dallas president Bob Sasseen has some ideas about immigration policy over at The Remedy. I suspect I'd favor a more generous immigration policy than he would, but at least he's talking sense. Namely, that the usual proposals --mass deportations, calling illegals felons, fences, walls -- cannot possibly be very effective. What's called for, he says, are incentives for legal immigration and disincentives for illegal immigration. He also has a 'graf on the harm illegal immigration does to us and to illegal immigrants themselves:
Failure to enforce the law breeds disrespect for the law both at home and abroad. It also announces our corruption and shows our weakness and lack of will to our enemies. The absence of legal status prevents assimilation of the illegals, opens them to exploitation, and creates a limbo-land for them and those they marry or breed here.
Allowing people to be exploited is not a great way to make them fall in love with the greatness of America; the more illegal immigration we tolerate, the more we will encourage Reconquista thinking.