That's a little detail (which I think indicates Iran officially plans to blow up the world) from this conversation Hugh Hewitt had with Mark Steyn that starts out about Islamofascism and ends up denouncing a guest worker program. As you know, I have to agree with that. I'm for a very generous level of immigration, but people have to be here as citizens or not at all --otherwise we destroy the principle of equality. Here's Jennifer Roback Morse warning that we're in grave danger of becoming French by breaking down the rule of law.
The vast majority of immigrants from all over the world come here for economic opportunity. Why do they do that? Because we’re rich and they aren’t. To be more precise, we have a functioning economy that generates wealth and they don’t. Why does our economy work and theirs doesn’t? We have the rule of law and they don’t.
You can't build an economy on a system where your building permit depends upon who you know, or where you can't predict from one day to the next if what you own will truly be yours, or where different rules apply to different classes or races of people. So why would we deliberately import a vast number of people who will be "workers," but not citizens? It's like importing slaves, frankly, even if we intend to pay them. People who are good enough to do our work, but not our equals.
Who wants to start a race war!
Apparently our tin-eared Senate, which wants to extend the benefits of citizenship --but none of its duties-- to this worker class, in essence elevating them to some privileged class above ordinary citizens (y si Ud. no habla español, Ud. es racista, según Señor Reid). The only exception I take to the Morse piece is that the focus of Conservative energy ought to be on reforming and cleansing our corrupt system, rather than keeping "them" out. To keep "them" out effectively is going to take more than a fence, it's going to take removing some of the incentives to come and stay. And even if we do keep "them" out, our native underclass will continue to be harmed by the increasing corruption of our system. All government corruption undermines the principle of the equality of all people, and underneath this debate about immigrants is the question: are we still dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal?