We are seeing some signs here that make us think that Iran and its tools in Iraq are trying to provoke the rise of the imam through forcing the signs they believe should be associated with that rise. One of the things that do not feel right is the sudden appearance of new banners and writings on the walls carrying religious messages talking specifically of imam Mehdi.
Keep that in mind as you read Ayatollah Khameini's warning speech to the Western world together with a speech Abombnjihad addressed to a rally earlier this week (to background chants of "death to Israel" and "death to America"). Excerpts:
I hereby demand that all the peoples declare their position regarding these crimes. It is inconceivable for people to play a double game in the Middle East and Lebanon. On the one hand, they maintain cooperation and economic and political ties with the Zionist criminals, and on the other hand, they wish to appear as supporters of human rights, of the oppressed, and of peace. They all must declare their position.snip
Know that the fire of the wrath of the peoples is about to erupt and overflow. If you do not put an end to your crimes, know that the ocean of the peoples will soon rage. When the peoples begin to move, they will drag everybody to the defendant's bench, and will remove them from the throne of power.snip
Today, the Iranian people is the owner of nuclear technology. Those who want to talk with our people should know what people they are talking to. If some believe they can keep talking to the Iranian people in the language of threats and aggressiveness, they should know that they are making a bitter mistake. If they have not realized this by now, they soon will, but then it will be too late. Then they will realize that they are facing a vigilant, proud people."
Video here. Meanwhile, Reuters reports (curtsy to Powerline):
North Korea has been working closely with Iran to develop its long-range ballistic missiles, possibly using Chinese technology, and is building large bases to prepare for their deployment, a South Korean state-run think tank said.
And Iran has deployed bin-Laden's son to Syria (but. . .but. . .al-Qaeda would never cooperate with Shi'a).
Bibi thinks Hezbollah's attack has been nothing more than a missile test, and reminds us the
Iranian mullahs are committed to a demented branch of Shiism which sees an apocalyptic war of millions of casualties in which Shiism will rise and the West will go down.
And just in case you don't trust Bibi's word, remember that Mark Steyn traced the Iranian project from Khomeini to the present for us and a prominent Vatican author warned:
Islamizing the West means violently attacking its political and economic power, without sparing the civilian population. This pan-Islamist program might make some smirk, just as many smirked at Hitler before his political ascent. But this is a real program, which is being carried out according to a clear plan, and although it is working slowly, it is producing results.
That this is a real program can be seen in many ways.
Just to make things interesting, Hugo Chavez gave a joint statement with Abombnjihad a few days ago in which he said of the Israelis:
I say today, “God, if there is any justice, send bolts of lightning from Your hands upon the monsters.” Allah willing.
And sat and agreed when Abombnjihad said:
It has become clear once again that all the slogans of human rights, peace, and democracy are nothing but a lie. The rule of hegemony is making a huge error if it thinks that through these crimes and bloodshed it can tighten its rule over the peoples of the region. They are badly mistaken. They should know that they are nearing the last days of their lives.
Which brings us back to Omar & Iraq:
Those banners above represent an ominous sign and I'd like to say again that one should prepare for the worst from the very unstable mixture of religion and policy. I went to a guy who knows quite a lot about this salvation war so to speak and asked him if the texts mention anything about the timing of the war and whether it's supposed to begin before or after the rise of the Imam and the answer was "After" but he added that chaos and rampant violence in the region are supposed to be among the signs and that the main battle would be "lead by the Imam himself."
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion Abombnjihad knows who the hidden imam is?
But by all means, let's keep focused on Mel Gibson.
UPDATE: Today Abombnjihad said the solution to Middle East peace is the destruction of Israel (maybe he's been reading Richard Cohen & DailyKos?). But he also demanded a ceasefire in Lebanon.
"Although the main solution is for the elimination of the Zionist regime, at this stage an immediate cease-fire must be implemented," he said.So the message from the de facto leader of Hezbollah is: Death! Death! Bring it on! We don't care how many of us die in the process . . .but wait, we're not quite ready? Chew on that for a minute. Curtsy: Powerline.