Emmynently Unimportant

The Manolo captures my sentiments about tv generally and the Emmys particularly --apart from his strange compunction to watch the latter or care:

The Manolo he does not watch much of the popular television, not because he is one of those annoying holier-than-you peoples who scorn the popular entertainment, but for the opposite reason, because he loves the television too much. And thus, the Manolo must forgo the television watching, lest it becomes all he does, every day.

The result it is that the Manolo knows few of the peoples who each year attend the Emmys, to accept the awards for the shows he never watches, shows such as “Everybody Loves the Tall Guy and His Sassy/Difficult Family”, “Two Has-Beens and Their Man Child”, “Dead Body Poking” and the popular off-spin, “Dead Body Poking: Miami” the latter of which, the Manolo knows, stars the Master Thespian, David Caruso.

Don't recall to whom I owe the curtsy. Possibly The Pundit of Instantness, as Manolo says.