Playing Jr. Chrenkoff


I think Arthur Chrenkoff, for the good of the free world, or at least my nerves, should quit his paying job and return to blogging. What's starvation and penury against the salvation of Western Civilization? Or at least my feeling good going into a nice weekend? Until he comes back, though, here are a few links of good news I've collected this week.

  • Hugh Hewitt's widely discussed interview with Gen. Abizaid. Too much to excerpt. RTWT. It continues to be the case that our people in Iraq are more optimistic than pundits who are not there.
    Curtsy ninme: a report on the first Iraqi division to "solo," plus a cool Iraqi commander. Plus, Iraqis in Iraq are more optimistic about their chances than people who read or watch American news. As I was saying. . . .
  • A consensus begins to emerge that Hezbollah didn't win the Lebanon conflict after all: Amir Taheri in today's WSJ --I particularly like this story because it debunks not only the MSM, which just swallows whatever Hezbollah saysbollah, but offers a salutary corrective to right-wing gloom too.
    "Hezbollah won the propaganda war because many in the West wanted it to win as a means of settling score with the United States," says Egyptian columnist Ali al-Ibrahim. "But the Arabs have become wise enough to know TV victory from real victory."
    Michael Young in Reason (curtsy: Instapundit) and from J-Post, to which I've linked before, but am helpfully putting here again. Surf around and you'll find even more.
  • VDH.
  • As noted yesterday, the Haditha Marines are probably innocent.
  • And just for good measure, more evidence the Israelis never targeted an ambulance as was reported during hostilities. Some of us knew this a little earlier than others, as you will read.

There now, don't you feel better? Let's all put our fingers in our ears and hum whenever the MSM report the war --at least for the remainder of the weekend.