The Transfiguration invites us to open the eyes of the heart to the mystery of the light of God present in the whole story of salvation. Already at the start of Creation, the Almighty says, "Fiat lux", let there be light! (Jn 1,2) and light separates from darkness. Like His other creatures, light is a sign that reveals something of God: it is the reflection of His glory which accompanies His manifestations. When God appears, "His splendor is like the light, flashes of lightning come from His hands" (Ab 3,3f). Light, it is said in the Psalms, is the mantle in which the Lord wraps Himself (cfr Ps 104,2). In the Book of Wisdom, the symbolism of light is used to describe the essence of God itself: wisdom, an effusion of God's glory, is "a reflection of eternal light", superior to any created light (cfr Wis 7,27-29f). In the New Testament, Christ constitutes the full manifestation of the light of God.
RTWT: he addresses Middle East Peace and recalls that Paul VI died on another August 6th. Other stuff --including St. Augustine on the feast --here. I'm always amused by the Transfiguration account in Mark, which, in the translation I usually use, includes the remark regarding Peter's response to what he sees,
for he did not know what he was talking about.
That just amuses me. Hope for the rest of us. . . .
And Happy Birthday to Mr. Weed.