Make A Note

Sheik Hilaly, who compared women in public to lumps of meat, has taken a leave of absence. The immediate reason is that the stress of dealing with public outcry against his remarks has activated his heart condition; what's instructive, however, is this is the first instance I'm aware of in which one of these extremist imams has been forced to back down from any statement.
"The metaphor I used of the 'exposed meat' was not appropriate for the western mentality. It has been quoted and misinterpreted by some groups with ill intentions,'' he said adding that he had been "deeply saddened'' that an ordinary lesson was to "slander'' him in the media.
He described women as "cherished pearls, the dearest thing in the world''."Once again, I am very sorry and apologise for what resulted from an unintentional analogy,'' he said.
Shows that it can be done; and that it must be.