Define Civil War

John at Powerline makes his case, and the more important point.
So, for those reasons, I would not call what is going on in Iraq a civil war. It seems pretty clear, though, that the present controversy is not the result of any good-faith effort to apply historical norms to the conflict in Iraq, but rather is part of the effort to stampede this country into defeat for partisan political purposes.
Which, happily, the President still seems to be resisting, at least as far as his rhetoric is concerned. Omar hopes Bush is "the rain that doesn't fear the wet"
Maliki and Bush are the wet who don't fear the rain as we say here. They don't have much to lose now, both men are already receiving tons of criticism from their peoples for what's going on in Iraq, and when people are in such a situation they tend to be less shy about making daring decisions and that's exactly what Iraq's political factions that have bigger shares in the parliament and cabinet are afraid of.

UPDATE: WSJ editorial:
The next Iraqi or American official to be asked about "civil war" might want to reply by asking the journalist who, precisely, is fighting whom, and why Iraqi security officers of all backgrounds continue to risk their lives for the elected Baghdad government.

I'm happy, because I'm beginning to see some push-back against creeping Bakerism.