Letter To Chinese Catholics

To be released tomorrow, noon (sooner to journalists). Alleged (see last two points) to be 28 pp. long. It's also alleged the Pope will declare the validity of sacraments in the Patriotic church --stressing the unity of all Catholics --patriotic or underground. Mustn't react before we see the text, but if that's true, tomorrow will be a great day for the Church and a bad day for Chinese Communism. At the request of Cardinal Dias, religious in 600 convents are praying for a good reception. China's "United Front" planning a "response" --bitter attack on the Pope feared. I don't know if I'm correct, but it feels to me as if everyone's focusing on the derestriction of the old mass and missing the revolution.

Update: And here it is! With an explanatory note. Zadok has excerpts (having trouble getting the permalink to work, though here it is.)