You Have The Right Not To Know What Anyone Else Thinks

They called it off last night, but did you notice that Europe's primary human rights agency planned to vote to ban teaching not only creationism but intelligent design in the schools of any of the EU's 47 member nations?
"Today, creationists of all faiths are trying to get their ideas accepted in Europe," it said. "If we are not careful, creationism could become a threat to human rights."
The council, based in the eastern French city of Strasbourg, oversees human rights standards in member states and enforces decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.
I've no time to debate the issue on its merits here. I simply ask, by what stretch of the imagination is this a human rights issue? Are there secret CIA Creationist camps in Europe where enemy combatants are water-boarded until they agree to the "young earth" theory?