Potter Five, Thumbs-Up 8

It's a million degrees out, coupled with the kind of humidity where you feel every spark of energy has seaped [or rather, seeped; see how hot it is? --ed]out your pores, and a brand spankin' new movie theatre's opened a mere 12 blocks away. So we did the only sensible thing & went to see Harry Potter & The Order of The Phoenix.

I haven't got past the first book yet, so I've no opinion about fidelity to the story or anything like that. The problem with the flicks ( seen 'em all, though only this in the theater) as I see it is not that the magic in them could seduce innocent children into the occult, but that it seduces the directors into making magic be everything: impetus, the mechanism of plot advancement, and deus ex machina resolution. The story begins with some magic incident. Then our heroes respond by magic. Then bad guys magic them back, and so forth, until the bad guys magic our heroes with some really powerful magic, then, magically, the most powerful good guy appears and out-magics that magic. Mr. W. --it must be the heat, he's usually much more genteel-- put it less politely. He calls 'em "s--- happens" movies.

Nevertheless, an enjoyable romp if you're satisfied not to think too hard. And what is magic is watching the Weedlets' reactions. They give it 8 enthusiastic thumbs up.