First You Fight, Then You Make Up

Can we all agree that Human Events is a Conservative publication (probably Paleo-oriented, although less so today than last century)? Ronald Reagan said several times it was his favorite reading. It polled its readers, and among likely voters, if their state primary were held today (results rounded):

Thompson 25 percent
Giuliani 20 percent
Huckabee 19 percent
Romney 13 percent
Hunter 8 percent
Paul 8 percent
Tancredo 5 percent
McCain 2 percent

Like the fellas at Powerline, although I don't know how representative the sample is, I find it interesting that Giuliani & Huckabee basically tied for 2nd place --given that in the blogosphere, each is being written out of the Conservative Movement. It seems to me that if Human Events readers think you're Conservative enough for them, you're in.

But then, the primary process is where we have our big, loud family fight. The rules are that once we have a winner, everyone hugs and makes up.