I Venture Another Prediction

Al Gore reports to Davos: Climate Change Significantly Worse Than Feared. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that if a Democrat is elected president, next year Al Gore will announce that climate change has slowed. Like homelessness and economic crises, I expect the effects of climate change to wax and wane in inverse proportion to the fortunes of the Democratic Party.

Update: Curtsy to American Digest for this flight of fancy:Antarctic Ices Loss Speeds Up.
The team found that the net loss of ice mass from Antarctica increased from 112 (plus or minus 91) gigatonnes a year in 1996 to 196 (plus or minus 92) gigatonnes a year in 2006. A gigatonne is one billion metric tons, or more than 2.2 trillion pounds.
Quite the margin of error there.