When he was a six-year-old boy who had been kidnapped by the Miami mafia and his father demanded his return to Cuban soil, the whole population rose up to demand his freedom, from the youngest schoolchild to the most elderly citizen," recalled Martín.It was from this demand that the Battle of Ideas was born, not just for him but for all Cuban children, she added.
That last line's a little weird, even considering the source, no? Didn't Fidel bring the Battle of Ideas to the noble island nation? Anyway: future plans, Elian?
Having finished secondary school, Elián is set to enter the Camilo Cienfuegos military school – popularly known as Los Camilitos - next September:
"It’s the least that someone can do, someone like me that owes so much to this people and to the Revolution: study hard, but more than that, defend them under any circumstance."
His father is very proud.
Today, Elián has given me the greatest gift that I could wish for and hope to receive on Father’s Day. I have experienced this sense of joy twice before – on the day that I received my membership of the UJC and again today – but I have, without doubt, enjoyed this more, as a communist and as a father, to watch my eldest son take his first steps forward in life.
"I was once asked if it might not be possible that, once he grew up, Elián may decide to leave his country. I answered that I didn’t think it could happen for two basic reasons: one, for the education that my parents gave me and which I have passed on to my son. And secondly, for his own life story, because once he is aware of how much his people fought for him, he would be incapable of betraying them.
No guilt trips there. Curtsy: Opinionated Catholic