For what it's about see here and here, or go straight to the source: Quas Primas, the encyclical letter instituting the celebration in 1925, following a holy year dedicated to Christ the King. A very interesting letter both for what it says and for what it leaves unsaid. It's a joyful proclamation, but underneath it you can read the Holy Father sees what's coming after 1925 (the year of Mussolini's dictatorship, the re-emergence of the Nazi party, the 2nd year of Stalin, etc.). The feast is about strengthening Christian courage.
Fr. Z. explains what the prayer for this day really says. And the day is indulgenced, too.
Update: and we have a comedy classic for the occasion, too.
Fr. Z. explains what the prayer for this day really says. And the day is indulgenced, too.
Update: and we have a comedy classic for the occasion, too.