Comes the word 90-yr-old Avery Dulles, the first American theologian to be named a Cardinal --and an intellectual lion of our age-- passed away this morning.
Here's a nice piece Jody Bottum wrote about him back in 2001 when John Paul II elevated him to the college of cardinals. Most everything he wrote or had written about him can be found here.
Fr. James Martin, SJ offers some lovely anecdotes about the good cardinal's humility and kindness --and about his good use of time (a neglected virtue!)
He was a Christian; may he rest in peace.
Update: Fr. Sirico with a remembrance:
The intellectual stature of the man was intimidating, but once someone encountered him personally, one found the gentle, humble soul of a sincere Christian. He had a mischievous sense of humor which was evident to anyone who noticed him driving a beat up old car around campus with a small bumper sticker promoting the local airport, “Fly Dulles”
and on what it was like to study under him:
Even though some referred to him as “Dull Dulles,” I found that being in class with him was an exhilarating experience. It was akin to witnessing a train slowly leaving the station. Initially the student (this student!) would feel satisfied that the material was clear and comprehensible. Point would begin to build upon point, stretching the mind. And just at that precise moment when it all became too complex and difficult to follow, Fr. Dulles would take it up just one more notch, and then ... the class bell would ring.Compares him to Newman:
Avery Dulles was a mentor who first introduced me to the work of philosopher Michael Polyani and deepened my appreciation for John Henry Cardinal Newman, that great 19th figure who struck me as very much like Dulles himself. Fr. Dulles was tall, a theologian, a convert to Catholicism, was not a bishop before he became a Cardinal, and he even resembled Newman in a way.
Update 2: Cool! You Tube video of a newsreel about his ordination. His dad's beaming and Cardinal Spellman is there. Listen to how respectful the tone of the broadcaster is. Today the story would be accompanied by an interview with someone alleging that there's something improper about the Sec. of State's son being a priest. Curtsy: Charlotte Was Both