Camillo Cibin, for years the chief of security at the Vatican and the Pope's #1 bodyguard, has passed away.
Lovely obit of him in the Telegraph (which appears to be largely plagiarized from this CNS story about the man's retirement in 2006). At the time of his retirement, he was the only individual ever to have traveled on every papal flight (since he entered service under Paul VI). I enjoyed this description of him, written while he was still in active service and proof positive that Christian men need not be weenies.
When the hordes broke through the security cordon after the pope's May 26 Mass in Warsaw, Cibin exhibited his well-honed skill of gently tossing interlopers aside like they were pieces of tissue.It makes me smile to think of a man hired to karate chop the faithful.
Cibin also is master of a modified karate chop that prevents people from grabbing onto the pope or his vestments yet leaves no broken bones.
He's the fellow who apprehended Mohammed Ali Agca --and thereafter tendered his resignation, which was refused. He is survived by his wife Maria and three kids.