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By Ramirez, shamelessly pinched from here. |
- The IRS has had to apologize for targeting Conservative groups for auditing (though it's not being forthcoming about how high-level the policy was).
- David Stockman predicts doom and while many of his specific policy recommendations are somewhat rubbish, there's this:
These policies have brought America to an end-stage metastasis. The way out would be so radical it can’t happen. It would necessitate a sweeping divorce of the state and the market economy. It would require a renunciation of crony capitalism and its first cousin: Keynesian economics in all its forms. The state would need to get out of the business of imperial hubris, economic uplift and social insurance and shift its focus to managing and financing an effective, affordable, means-tested safety net.
It would require, finally, benching the Fed’s central planners, and restoring the central bank’s original mission: to provide liquidity in times of crisis but never to buy government debt or try to micromanage the economy. Getting the Fed out of the financial markets is the only way to put free markets and genuine wealth creation back into capitalism.
That, of course, will never happen because there are trillions of dollars of assets, from Shanghai skyscrapers to Fortune 1000 stocks to the latest housing market “recovery,” artificially propped up by the Fed’s interest-rate repression. The United States is broke — fiscally, morally, intellectually — and the Fed has incited a global currency war (Japan just signed up, the Brazilians and Chinese are angry, and the German-dominated euro zone is crumbling) that will soon overwhelm it. When the latest bubble pops, there will be nothing to stop the collapse. If this sounds like advice to get out of the markets and hide out in cash, it is.
- Even Harry Reid has figured out that Obamacare is "a train wreck." Meanwhile, the HHS Secretary who brought us Obamacare's death panels doesn't understand how they work . Update: Sen. Baucus retiring because of Obamacare.
- Kermit Gosnell, a particularly gruesome abortionist, is on trial for murdering babies born alive and criminal neglect of a woman that led to her death. In testimony that is too gruesome to read, his staffers have testified that he or they "snipped" (meaning, killed with scissors after they were born alive) hundreds of babies over the years. He also didn't sterilize instruments and thus spread STDs to patients, refused anesthesia to minority clients, and forced women with second thoughts into abortions. ABC's Terry Moran called him (in a tweet) the "most successful mass murderer in American history," but the press can't be bothered to tell the story. Well....now they are, a little, after pro-lifers campaigned relentlessly. But the story is yucky, and everyone knows the reason the press doesn't cover it is because it's a little too much like every other abortion clinic. As Senator Boxer recently admitted, scoring against her own goal.
- Pro-immigration Republicans are joining in the Left's crucifixion of an honest researcher.
- And the press has finally discovered Benghazi (when you lose ABC.....) -- a shameful episode in which through utter incompetence the State Dept. allowed a fine public servant and his security team to die needlessly and then callously lied about it and tried to discredit the chief whistle blower. Even the Washington Post now outright says the White House explanation is a lie. In a free and functioning America, that would be impeachment bait, but no one is going to impeach the first black president, especially not when he has "President Joe Biden" as an ace in the hole.
Come Solyndra, I can guarantee a loan
Comes the Beltway, I can criticize the tone
Come Benghazi? Nothing could be done.
Come vacation, Michelle. can take a separate plane
Come Joe Biden, I can leave him on the train
Come Benghazi, Nothing could be done.
Stand down Brother.
What difference does it make?
I’ll blame u-tube
While I campaign at your wake.
Brian Terry? There’s privilege to invoke
Eat a canine? I can always make a joke.
Come Benghazi? Nothing could be done.