Road to Emmaus

Image credit: "La mulata," Diego Velázquez  
(often called "Kitchen Maid at Emmaus," and you should click to enlarge)

PSA: Yesterday Pope Francis wrote us all a letter. It's short, simple, and lovely. You should read it! 

Meanwhile, 3rd Sunday of Easter, and the Gospel of the day is the road to Emmaus. Hear (or read if you must, but preferable in this instance to hear, so scroll down to his video) Msgr. Charles Pope explain how the entire passage represents a Mass -- not just the obvious Eucharistic moment at the end. Winsomely handled! 

You might read also Fr. Paul Scalia's reflection, "Easter Reluctance."

Ordinarily I'm not much of a fan of free verse, but I do like this ekphrasis on the painting above from Denise Levertov

The Servant Girl at Emmaus (A Painting by Velazquez)
by Denise Levertov 
She listens, listens, holding
her breath. Surely that voice
is his—the one
who had looked at her, once, across the crowd,
as no one ever had looked?
Had seen her? Had spoken as if to her?
Surely those hands were his,
taking the platter of bread from hers just now?
Hands he'd laid on the dying and made them well?
Surely that face—?
The man they'd crucified for sedition and blasphemy.
The man whose body disappeared from its tomb.
The man it was rumored now some women had seen this morning, alive?
Those who had brought this stranger home to their table
don't recognize yet with whom they sit.
But she in the kitchen, absently touching
the winejug she's to take in,
a young Black servant intently listening,
swings round and sees
the light around him
and is sure.

Update: Emmaus makes me think of this hymn, which we used to sing in community when I lived in Rome. I always loved it: so tender.  For you Spanish speakers, here are the lyrics