Perfect Love Replaces Servile Fear

So said Good Pope Benedict at this morning's audience. Here's the whole thing (Italian, et al); and here's as much as he said in English.

It's a commentary on Psalm 110 (111 in my Bible. Tell me again why there is a numerical discrepancy? Every year I look it up and forget it again promptly).

Again muddling through the Italian, RC2 notes the return of several themes:

1) The Eucharist, for he says: "Questo legame d’amore comprende il dono fondamentale del cibo e quindi della vita (cfr Sal 110,5) che, nella rilettura cristiana, si identificherà con l’Eucaristia." Very roughly, from v. 5 of the Psalm: "You gave food to those who fear you." "Food, and therefore, life, which Christianity has always identified w/ the Eucharist."

2) The relation of faith and freedom: "C’è poi il dono della terra, «l’eredità delle genti» (Sal 110,6), che allude alla grande vicenda dell’Esodo, quando il Signore si rivela come il Dio della liberazione." Again, roughly: the Psalm makes reference to the Exodus, "which revealed God as the God of Liberation."

3) And more on true freedom, commenting on the closing verse, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom." B16 says this is not fear in the sense of terror but "serious and sincere" respect in word and deed for the law of God. "Sotto questo termine non si cela la paura e il terrore, ma il rispetto serio e sincero, l’adesione genuina e operosa al Dio liberatore."

A richer sense of it will have to await an official translation, but you read it here first! RC2 is charmed by the fact that in very few words, B16 manages to personalize his brief greetings in other languages. Not merely by summarizing and speaking in their tongues, but with little details. For example, he told the Poles today that he is grateful because he knows the contuing presence of John Paul II in them makes them sustain his successor in prayer. B16 knows his predecessor's passing has to have hit the Poles most deeply, and he lets them know they don't have to "get over it," and that no one has forgotten.
UPDATE: has their translation of the whole thing up now. (English/audiences).