Dangerous Prayer

The Anchoress, who's experiencing an impending death in her family, has a nice little meditation on the Christian notion of "surrender" (my bro' always tells me he'll never be Catholic because we're always "retreating" and "surrendering" and he prefers to advance and win, har-har) in the face of trials. Do we look for God's will in the midst of sorrow? Not that we aren't meant or allowed to seek to overcome troubles in the way we wish, but there's a certain humility to bring to them, too.

A child-loving couple finds they are infertile. This is an agonizing situation, to be sure. But while they pursue every and all possible means to have “their own” baby, or one that is “mostly” their own, do they ever stop to think, “Lord, what are you trying to show me…is it your will that I not have children, is there a path I am supposed to be treading, that is not this one?”