"Not Born Yesterday," from The Ryskind Sketchbook
McCain gave another major policy speech today. On climate. Haven't read it yet, but you can and then meet me here later. In addition to the usual Monday rigamarole (groceries, laundry, cooking...I find if I get everything organized on Monday, the rest of the week goes pretty smoothly), the big projects of the day were buying the kids new shelving and dealing with the flooded basement (we're having an unusual mid-May "noreaster," make of it what you will climate change advocates). As to the furniture, in the days BC (before children) I used to take pleasure in refinishing old pieces duly hunted for, but who has that kind of time? Anyway, the basement won't be a usable workshop for quite some time. Today it was off to Ikea...and later allowing Eldest Weed the pleasure of assembly and accomplishment. Then massive room/toy overhaul. Which will keep about...well, it's over now actually, but it was most restful on the eyes while it lasted.
Anyway: recyclable plastic and particle board made by Swedes. Is that more or less green than stripping and refinishing something old? Reduce, re-use, recycle. Which?