The attacks on the free exercise of religion are not merely at the federal level and not merely from the Obama administration and not merely directed against Catholics. Consider:
- In New York City, church groups are forbidden to rent public facilities open to all other citizen groups.
- In Alabama, if an illegal alien is dying at your door, it is nonetheless illegal to baptize him or hear his confession.
- The Connecticut state legislature recently tried to re-configure parishes as if that were any concern of the state.
- Universities such as U. California and Vanderbilt have driven Christian groups off campus.
Therefore, tomorrow noon at a location near you, rally for religious liberty as a proxy for all liberty. (In DC, at Upper Senate Park, just West of the Russell Senate Office Building, and there are two sites in Maryland).

Here are 18 ways to defend religious liberty.
And for inspiration, go see For Greater Glory. Not a great movie qua movie, but intensely inspiring and moving -- and timed fortuitously.